Our Team

Chairman and CEO - Mr S. N. Tackie:
Mr. Tackie worked with Lair Liquide Ghana Limited for a period of 22 years, starting as a plant engineer and resigning as the Chief Executive of that Company in 1996 to concentrate fully on the management of Tacks Farms. Heis a qualified chemical engineer and has had several courses in management, technical and marketing during his service at Air Liquide. He still continues to be a board member and Special Advisor to Air Liquide Ghana Limited. He also has tremendous experience in human resource training and organization which he is using extensively in the management of TFL. He has pioneered the production and export of vegetables and fruits in the country, attended many seminars and courses in this field both in theory and practice and has been attached to farms in Kenya, Gambia, UK, Switzerland, France, and Italy.

Managing Director - Mrs Gloria Tackie
Mrs. Gloria Tackie is a qualified teacher who for after teaching for 9 years changed her career and became a banker for another 12 years resigning from SSB as a senior officer to work fully for TFL. She has also experienced training in the field of exports of fruits and vegetables and has travelled widely to Kenya, and European countries in pursuit of the development of this business. She is currently a board member of West Africa Fair-trade Network and has a passionate interest in workers emancipation and development.

Farm Manager - Nii Nookwei Tackie

Sales and Marketing Manager - Naa Aku Tackie

Operations and Administration - Nii Aboni Tackie

Finance Manager - Nii Djan Tackie
